Saturday, April 10, 2010

Something Lurking Under the Trees

So what if Bracha is invited to friends who have a large aggressive dog? So what if all I would get to do is lie under the table all evening? I still hate staying home alone. Bracha left me with my favorite toy filled with a bit of peanut butter to chew, and she left a light and the radio on, but I knew very well that this was only to appease me for being locked in the house for the evening. So I did my best to cry mournfully and dramatically to make sure she'd hear me when she left. After that, having been on a good long hike in the afternoon, I admitted to myself that I was tired and went to sleep until Bracha came home and took me out. And then I made sure to show her just how much she needs me.

We no sooner got out into the yard than I sensed that there was something strange out there – some animal or something – and I stood in place, spread my front paws out in a wide stance, refused to budge, and began to bark! There was no way she wouldn't realize that I knew something was lurking out there under the trees. I don't think Bracha saw what it was, but she took my word for it, or I should say, my bark for it. Anyway, she didn't insist that we walk out under the trees and just let me do what I had to do on the lawn.

When we got back inside Bracha told me that she had spoken to one of her friends and claimed that people don't respect the wishes of guide dog owners as much as they would respect dog owners who can see. Why else, she says, would people pet me without asking permission, or feed me without asking if it's OK? Do they think that Bracha doesn't realize they are doing it? And would cab drivers yell at someone who left potato chip crumbs all over the taxi as much as they yell at us for leaving a few of my hairs on the floor? And why did Bracha have to work so hard convincing the man at the restaurant to let me in when I lay quietly under the table but those children were allowed to shout and run all over the room and bother everyone? I think I was a lot better behaved, but no one questioned whether the children could come in or not! Bracha's friend said she was just being paranoid, but, then, he doesn't know what it's like to walk around with a guide dog.

I have a feeling Bracha is right. It's called "dis cream a nation" or something like that.

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