Monday, October 29, 2012

Happy Birthday Dinka!

All things considered, I think I had a pretty good birthday.  Yesterday Bracha bought me presents at the pet store - she immediately gave me a large Nylabone and this morning when we woke up I got a big hug and a lovely star-shaped rubber toy that bounces and is wonderful to chew.  I was so happy it was all I could do to get going and go outside to feed the koi and go to breakfast.  Then we went to the train station.  I was a bit scared to get onto the train at first, but Bracha helped me and told me just what to do.  And when Bracha deliberately stepped to the edge of the train platform and told me to walk forward, I showed her right away that I know how to disobey a bad command and turned her right around to where it would be safe to walk along the edge of the train platform.  This is called practicing me intelligent disobedience.  Bracha also showed me how to get right through the revolving door.  After that we went through the large shopping mall, up the moving stairs, and through the market.  there was a large doll on the sidewalk that I didn't like and I stood still and even barked at it, but Bracha said it was safe to pass by it and told me firmly to go on.  After all, I am only a dog, and I had to bark at it just to remind her of that.
Then we got back to the center and we got weighed.  I am the biggest dog on the course - I weigh 30 kilo!  And the only thing that happened on my birthday that I didn't like was that I had to get a park worm shot.  But judging by the nice presents and love I got all day, it wasn't so bad.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

First Days Together

Hi everyone! 
Well, I guess it's time for me to start in and tell you about my new life together with Bracha.  We have been together for almost two weeks now, and it's been exciting and challenging.  When Rafi and Natanel, my trainers, first took me out of the kennels almost two weeks ago and let me into Bracha's room, I was awfully skittish.  I did greet Bracha, who was obviously happy to see me, but I kept running to the door and whining for Natanel who was outside in the hallway.  Looking back on that day, I'm not surprised that I was so confused, but I now know beyond a doubt that I belong to Bracha and that she loves me and cares for me a lot.  I'm not just talking about the fact that she's the one who feeds me and brushes me.  She is mighty strict, but I do get a lot of rewards for good behavior, so I know she wants to help me get used to things.
We started out walking simple routes, going around the block in straight lines in suburban neighborhoods.  Ha, I can handle a lot more than tnat now!  We've made our way through Rehovot and Rishon, down crowded streets and across junctions with heavy traffic.  We score high every time.  At the beginning I pulled hard on the harness and took off like a bat out of hell, but Bracha firmly slowed me down and now we are walking at a pace that suits both of us.  Sometimes Bracha puts a halti harness on me.  It looks menacing, but actually it's much gehtler than yanking on the leash.  It doesn't hurt and Bracha can lead me with the halti on my head without us fighting over who is going to decide how fast we walk.  Yesterday we did a country walk and I did get a little wild at all those open spaces, and Bracha has hinted that if I want to haul her down the road in Ben Ami at a fiast pace she will have to put the halti on me again. 
Don't get me wrong though.  Bracha is very happy with me.  We did very well in clicker training class, and I quickly caught on that if I find a chair and put my nose on it, Bracha makes that clicking noise and gives me a treat.  And you know there is nothing like food to get me to do anything!  So Bracha took me into her room and explained to me using the clicker that the chair in her room was also something she wanted me to show her, and then we did the same thing with the benches outside in the pecan grove.  So now when Bracha says "Kisay!" I know I can lead her to a chair or a bench.  ONly thing is, whenever I see a bench I lead her to it for good measure!  After all, I never know when a treat might be in store!
So there are only a few days in the course left and then we go home.  On Wednesday I will introduce Bracha to Tali, my puppy raiser.  There is a lovely painting in the hallway here that Tali painted of me standing in my blue puppy coat.  I am so proud that my picture is hanging up for everyone to see!  And then we go home!  I can't wait to see my toys and bed, my new home and to meet Nuala, Bracha's other dog!  But now it's time to concentrate and get back to work. 
I'll be writing here often, and letting you know how we are doing.  Once in a while we go into the pecan grove and sit on the bench and Bracha cries a bit and tells me all about Suki.  But all in all, I know that she feels very comforted now that she had me. 

Saturday, October 13, 2012

October 14th at Last

Oh Suki, it's been a terrible 17 weeks without you, and now the long summer is finally over. It's cooling off they are beginning to pick the avocados, and it has even rained. I am finally through counting down the weeks, counting down the days, until Dinka will be with me. Tomorrow morning I will leave for Beit Oved to begin my new partnership with Dinka. I know that from the moment they bring Dinka to me I will be happier, and once more have the joy and security of having a guide dog by my side. Suki, you are the one who is largely responsible for that, because you were the one who showed me just how wonderful a guide dog partnership can be! So I have you to thank, Suki, even though you are no longer here with me. Yes, Suki, we should have had many more years together. But I will have to go on, and as I have told you, you will be there in that special place in my heart that remains yours forever. I will miss you always, but I will no longer long for you, because I will have another dog to love. The reason I will love DInka so much is because I loved you so much. I will be happy with her because I was so happy with you. And the reason my life will be whole again is because it was complete with you! I was so unfortunate to lose you, Suki, but I was so very lucky to have had you and to have enjoyed the wonderful special partnership we had.

In my mind you will be walking alongside DInka and me through Yavneh, Rehovot, and Rishon, learning how to use moving stairs, crossing intersections, practicing how to deal with traffic and walking around obstacles on the sidewalks. It will be easier for me because we did these things so well together. It was only three years ago that we performed these same tasks for the first time, and many of the places we walk will be fresh in my mind from when I walked them with you, and there will be many happy memories of those first days we had together, as I enjoy those first days with Dinka while we get to know each other.

So thank you Suki, for doing everything you did and being the wonderful dog you were! There will be a special plaque at Beit Oved with your name on it, and it says what I thought was most important: "My lovely Suki, I'll always remember you!" The plaque is there for others to see. I won't need any reminder. You'll be with me always, even after I stop mourning and I have a new dog to love. And if I shed an occasional tear at some familiar memory during the course, Dinka will comfort me, and we'll continue on together, with her harness in my hand and you in my heart. So watch us, Suki. I know we'll do fine.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

One More Meeting

I was sincerely hoping that after the bike ride to Beit Oved today I would get to see DInka one more time before the course begins the week after next.  So when Ami came and told me that there was someone waiting for me in the kennels, I made a beeling with him for the kennels.  TImora showed me which cage Dinka was in, and I went inside.  Who knows whether she recognized me or not?  She certainly gave me a good licking of my face and hands, so she seemed pleased to see me.  I felt a great wrenching sadness when I had to leave her, but it won't be long before we are together again for good!

There were so many people in the kennels today that it took me a few minutes to realize that one of the people coming in to my kennel was Bracha!  Of all the visitors during the sports event today, she was the one who showed the most interest in me.   I think that means something really special.  Perhaps she is going to come see me again, or even be with me for a long time.  Suddenly she was inside our kennel, calling me and reaching out to pet me.  Molly and George, the two dogs that I share a kennel with, kept trying to get in on the action, but I pushed myself up to Bracha's face and gave her a good licking session. Bracha petted them too, but I could tell she really wanted to be with me.   Then we sat down together and Timora photographed us.  Bracha was very affectionate towards me and I could tell she was happy to see me.  Then it was all over, and she had to leave, but she hugged and kissed me goodbye and told me she would see me again soon.  So here we are together in a picture for the first time!