Sunday, May 5, 2013

Take me Back to Jacob's Ladder!

Well, everything Bracha promised me this weekend really happened.  I had such a wonderful time at Jacob's Ladder Festival that all I want to do is go back there. 

When we got to the festival Bracha unpacked my water bowl, food, and treats in our hotel room and then we headed for the beach!  How wonderful that there is a large body of water with no waves for me to swim in, and even a rope stretched across it so that when dogs get tired swimming they can hold on to the big wooden beads and paddle and rest!  I swam and swam and Bracha and I even went out into deep water, where I brought back sticks that she threw for me.  And then I dried out in the warm sunshine lying on the lawn while the music played.  Once in a while I'd drift off to sleep, and then wake up when someone came to pet me.  Everyone loved me and admired me and I made a striking scene with my red shoes that Bracha put on me to keep my feet from getting burned on the hot sidewalks.  And every night I fell fast askeep on the little rug Bracha put down in our hotel room, tired out and happy.

We even saw the children from the Ma'Aleh Tzia school who Bracha spoke to three years ago!  They remembered Suki and at first some of them thought I was SUki.  Bracha explained to them that Suki had died and they were very sad, but Bracha reassured them that I was a good guide dog and that we are happy together and love each other very much.  They are much older then they were when SUki and Bracha came to their school, but they still remember!

Now, there is only one thing that I didn't like about the festival.  SOme of the music was so loud that it hurt my ears, and I shook and trembled at the Irish session because the noise frightened me.  Bracha sat with me afterwards and hugged me, and assured me that next year she would find a friend to take care of me when the session goes on because it's too loud for me and she never wants me to be frightened or unhappy.  There are times that it's better for Bracha to do her thing and I do mine.  So all in all I can say that I had a great time, and I can't wait for the next festival!

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