Monday, May 6, 2013

A Visit from Yael

I knew that when Yael from Beit Oved showed up that Bracha was going to give her a full report on how well I've been doing and, er, also the mischief I've been getting into.
I will be the first to admit that I got into real trouble  yesterday.  Bracha wanted to take me to a choir rehearsal and left the patio carrying her guitar.  She accidently dropped my leash and off I went across the yard.  I thought it was a great game to grab a bone I found on the lawn and every time Bracha got close to me I lay down, barked, and then ran away again.  This went on for some time and I could tell that Bracha was getting frustrated and even angry.  She worked hard to control her temper when I finally ran back onto the patio and she was able to catch me, put my harness back on and we left.  That game was fun for me but it wasn't fun for her.  And, of course, she told Yael.
This is not acceptable behavior for a guide dog.  I need to drop what I am doing when called and come.  I know that running away from Bracha is wrong.  So Bracha and I are going to have to work on my coming and being rewarded when I obey.  That's OK with me.  I like to be rewarded and I just have to remember that if I come Bracha will give me a click and a treat.  All and all, I want Bracha to be pleased with me and to be good.
Yael and Bracha told me I did well in the following:
1. I don't pull so hard any more.
2. I walk neatly around obstacles and stop at every curb.
3. I am alert and obedient while working.
4. I lie quietly in coffeehouses and restaurants and behave beautifully.
So here are the things I need to improve.  I promise:
1. To come when I am called and listen for Bracha's whistle.
2. To stop giving in to curiosity and temptation to smell what is going on in the stores and walk in the center of the sidewalk.
3. To chew on my toys and not bottles, leaves, sticks, and plastic flower pots.
I will try.  I really will...

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