Thursday, July 29, 2010

A Muzzle? On Me???

We finally got back into our usual routine after Rotem was here for a few days. I guess it's hard for Rotem to walk as far as we usually do. She's not a fully grown person and her legs aren't that long yet. And it's quite hot. She seemed to be content with playing at home all day and one day Bracha took her to the pool and I stayed home and cried. Yes, I know I shouldn't. But the thought of all that water and me not being able to go in was more than I could bear. Bracha explained to me that I would not be allowed in and that just standing around in the sun would be awful for me. And today she let me go into the river, get dirty, and then have a splash in my pool. So all is forgiven.

But yesterday when we took Rotem back on the train, someone had a very strange idea. The man in charge on the train came up and told Bracha that she had to put a muzzle on me. Bracha gave him the usual speech about me being a guide dog and not having to wear a muzzle according to the law.

"But," he insisted, "If someone steps on a dog, it's instinctive for him to bite."

"Why should anyone step on her?" asked Bracha. "She's here next to me under the table. Perhaps people should be careful and not step on her."

Gee, I don't think I could bite anyone. I've been known to demolish Kongs, bones, and er, once I even chewed up a clothespin, but to bite anyone? I'd have to be a mean dog to do that.

But generally things are better. We haven't been yelled at by a bus driver for a long time. And Bracha made an agreement with the taxi station dispatcher that when I ride in the taxis SHE will bring a cloth for me to sit on so the drivers don't have to deal with my white fur. That way we should keep the peace.

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