Saturday, July 3, 2010

Country Dog

After so much traveling it's nice to be home for the weekend and relax. I spent a lot of time sleeping yesterday in my favorite spot near the front door and was eager to get out in the afternoon for a walk. By the time it was over I was pausing every few meters and panting and Bracha encouraged me to walk slowly home, where she gave me a large bowl of water with ice cubes and then dinner. And today I got to lie on the grass with a leather chew toy while Bracha worked in the garden! What a life! There are days when I work hard in the city and don't get to run or hike at all, and days when we are at home and I'm free to live a life of leisure.

I sometimes wonder how guide dog owners manage in the city. First of all, there is nowhere to go busy! Bracha often has to walk and walk to find a place where I can discreetly go, and even then people shout at us. I think they should have a special little piece of grass on every street corner for people to use to take their dogs out, and a dispenser with those little plastic bags. That way people would not have to search for a place and the city would be cleaner.

And another thing is those hot sidewalks. When we stand at a crossing waiting to get across the road the pavement is so hot sometimes that my paws feel hot, and even dancing around from one place to another doesn't help. Bracha puts my shoes on. They are not always that comfortable and feel strange, but I guess I'd better wear them because they make my feet feel cooler.

And yet an other thing about the city that I don't like is the noise. There are car horns, motorcycles, and trucks that roar by and startle me, and sometimes there are dogs that roam the streets and bark at me. I never did like other dogs unless I know they want to play. I guess I'm just a country dog at heart!

And WOW! Bracha says tomorrow we are going to the beach! Hooray! And not only that. She also said that Petel is going to come and visit me and we can show her all the places where we hike and run. Wow! My own house guest! I promise to share my pool, my toys, and my treats and to be a good hostess.

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