Friday, June 18, 2010

Strutting down the street in my new shoes

It took a bit for me to get used to my new shoes. First Bracha put them on me in the house and let me walk around with them. Then we went on a short walk on the road, and once in a while I hesitated, but soon I was trotting along, and the shoes made a funny swish swish in rhythm as I walked. And they didn't fall off, either.
So Yesterday Bracha took me out on the road and took off one of her sandals and felt that the road was so hot that she could not walk on it. "If I can't walk on it barefoot, than it's too hot for you, too," she told me. So we went back home and she put my new shoes on. I was so proud of them that I could barely concentrate on walking, not to mention the fact that it was very hot and by the time we reached town and were at the first stoplight, I stood panting. People kept looking at me and saying, "What a pretty dog! Look! It has shoes!" I actually think they look quite flashy. People kept asking Bracha why I had shoes on and she explained that the sidewalks are too hot for a dog to have to walk in the middle of the day. Wait till I get to Tel Aviv with them! And Bracha has extras so that if one falls off and we lose it, it doesn't matter. People keep asking her if I don't try and take them off. "My dog would NEVER let me put shoes on her!" But I'm not just any dog. I'm smart. Why should I? I feel a lot more comfortable not having to dance a jig on the hot sidewalk every time we reach a stoplight and have to stand and wait. And look at all the attention I get!

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