Sunday, June 6, 2010

On Coffee, Cake, and Ice Cubes

A long time ago right after Bracha and I began our life together we were treated badly in a restaurant in Haifa and told we had to leave. Bracha fought it out with the waitress and the woman in charge and eventually they left us alone. When Itai complained the following Sunday, the owner was very apologetic and offered us a free meal as a sort of apology. Now it seems that the same thing has happened to someone else in Kfar Sava, and "Coffee and Friends" has offered anyone with a guide dog free coffee and cake for a month.

This sounds kind of ludicrous. After all, people with guide dogs can't be conned into accepting all kinds of abuse if they are offered free food and coffee afterwards. We rejected the guy's offer for a free meal, and just said that we wanted to be treated properly next time and allowed to eat there just like everyone else. If the owner really wants to make amends, he should consent to put a sign in the entrance announcing that guide dogs are allowed. That way no one will ask any questions.

I don't think I would want anyone to offer me food after they treated me badly. Why should Bracha or anyone else?

And now there is someone else with a new golden retriever – D, who was on the short course when Bracha got me, now has Casper, a golden retriever who looks to be about my size! He's lovely! Best of luck to D and Casper in your new life together! And if Casper sits down and acts stubborn like I do, just remember that you have to be gentle, firm, and use the clicker, because if he's anything like me, any offer of food will be irresistible. It even gets me up when I am already asleep and Bracha wants to take me out. One sniff of a treat under my nose and I am up like a rocket ready to go out the door. It's much better than hauling me up on my leash and collar.

But what really cools me off now in this hot weather is this wonderful stuff Bracha gives me. It's very cold and white, and when I put it in my mouth it turns into cold water. And if I manage to chew on it, it just disappears. Then Bracha gives me another one. I don't know how she makes this stuff, but it's great for cooling off after a long walk! Now, what I really want is to stop walking on the hot pavement and get back to the beach. Tomorrow? Pleeeeeeeeeeease…

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