Monday, September 13, 2010

The Art of Ignoring Ignorant Security Guards

Here's how it's done: the art of ignoring impolite and ignorant security guards.
Bracha and I enter department store and proceed down the aisle.

Security Guard: Lets us enter store and then does a double take: "Giveret..."

Bracha and I ignore him and keep going.

Security Guard: "Giveret!" (This time louder)

Bracha and I ignore him and keep walking.

Security Guard: HEY, GIVERET!!! This time in a loud bellow that the entire store can hear and is impossible to ignore.

Bracha: Turns around, innocently asks, "Excuse me, were you talking to me?"

Security Guard: "Uh, er, no nothing......", returns to place and shuts up.

Guess he didn't bother to notice I'm a guide dog and not just a large golden retriever being brought into the store for the fun of it.

Since when is 06:30 too early to get up? How should I know that we have turned the clocks back an hour and when I want to get up it's now 05:30? Anyway, Bracha had just finished telling me "Suki, leeeeshon!" trying to get a few more minutes in bed when there was a strange pattering noise outside. No more pleading. Bracha was up and out of bed, calling me to come outtside and see. It was raining! There was a dark cloud overhead and soon my fur was wet. I shook myself but it kept coming. So winter is on the way. But today in town the pavement was still very hot under my feet. I couldn't stand still at the stoplight and kept prancing around. I was not very cooperative because I kept pulling over to the shady part of the sidewalk, but Bracha didn't get angry and seemed to know that my paws were getting hot. She petted me and told me that tomorrow we would bring my shoes. I would like it to rain some more so that the pavement will cool off. Then my paws won't get so hot.

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