Friday, January 20, 2012

Those inconsiderate whizzing cars!

Today I am parading around in my soft, shampoo-clean whiteness. I am fully determined to find myself a nice big wet muddy puddle to get in, but I know that after the work Bracha put into getting me clean last night she will be extra careful about letting me run loose. Yesterday I looked, er, rather gray. You see, Khaled came to help Bracha clean out the kerosene stove, and I just had to investigate all those black sooty parts on the floor. Then if that was not enough, yesterday after I had gone on a good long run along the beach, Bracha and I started home. It began to rain again and while we were standing on the traffic island in the middle of the road, a car went by and sprayed cold muddy water all over us. I shook myself off the best I could, but I was still pretty dirty. So Bracha gave me a hot shower and toweled me off, and here I am.

I know that Bracha is still slipping a couple of those white pills into my food twice a day. It's to help keep me from having another seez-your. But they make me a bit sleepy, which is really rough in the mornings when Bracha puts me in harness and I have to work. There seems to be a lot of "hup up!" from Bracha while we are waoking because I walk slowly, and stairs seem unusually challenging. Sometimes I just feel like lying down and going to sleep. Bracha never gets angry and understands that I am having a hard time, and she said she would ask Dr. A. if we could cut down the medication in the morning. And sure enough, Dr. A. said that I would get used to it, and that Bracha could give me only one pill in the morning and, would you believe it, another one with a treat at lunchtime! So not only do I get less sleepy stuff in the morning - I get a guaranteed treat, too! Yep, things seem to be working out.

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