Monday, August 2, 2010

Strange Conversations

I had to deal with my disappointment today when we went into the pool and I knew I was going to be standing by the water looking longingly into the blue depths wishing I could go in. I was good though - I only barked once and stood quietly the rest of the time. So it was quite surprising when we got back into the dressing room and Bracha tied my leash to the bench and went to go to take a shower and the woman near us pipes up..

"I'm sorry," she says primly. "But I'm not willing to share MY space with a dog."

I eagerly waited to see what Bracha would come up with this time.

"It's my space, to. This is a guide dog and she's allowed in here." That was it. No more hassle. The other women, of course, joined in and I could hear comments such as "It's a guide dog," and "She explained to her," etc. How very rude people can be.

Sitting in the doctor's office, the doctor started chatting with Bracha and said he had adopted four dogs! He must really like dogs and I know he really likes me because he's always happy to see me. he explained that he'd brought a puppy home and it had large paws. Why are his paws so large? Is that usual? Bracha laughed and said he'd better be ready to have a dog about the size of me. Bracha also said that I weighed about 35 kilo. I think I've slimmed down a bit over the summer and I certainly have a lot less fur. Thank goodness! They've invented a new term: extreme heat!

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