Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wheeling and Dealing - Riding the Bus!

Crowded busses are no holiday and are even more of an adventure iwth a guide dog. After reviewing the various problems of riding busses, we set out for Rehovot to give it a go. Every problem that we discussed was there to be dealt with: the driver stopped the bus far from the sidewalk, forcing us to descend into the road before getting on. Disregarding Suki and her harness slung over my shoulder, the driver insisted upon seeing my certificate (for those of you living abroad, blind passengers ride busses for free). I then sat down in a seat that was given to me by a particularly nice woman, but found myself having to choose between having Suki sit with me and deal with the grumblings of the old man next to me "Ahem ahem, a dog on a bus? why? Why?” etc) and having Suki block the crowded aisle. It all seemed a bit hectic, but we managed to get off, get back up onto the sidewalk, and make our way back to the coffee shop. This afternoon we hit the mall in Rishon LeTzion!

Several interesting tips: Bet you never knew:
If your dog is dripping wet and you have to enter a store, bus, taxi, etc., and you don't want her to shake herself off all over the people inside, blow gently into the dog's ear or face while still outside and - Presto! - the dog will shake herself off!

When going through revolving doors, check whether the doors are turning clockwise or counter-clockwise. If clockwise, keep the dog on your left as usual. If counter-clockwise, enter with the dog on your right so that there will be room for the dog in the wider part of the cell.

When entering a bus stop, command the dog to sit. This will prevent her from assuming the role of street cleaner and neatly vacuuming up the crumbs, candy wrappers, sunflower seed shells, cigarette butts, and other residue people leave on the ground in bus stops.

What I learned the hard way after Suki’s leash inadvertently became unclipped from her collar:: Never let go of Suki's leash in he hallway. She will go streaking down the hall into the feeding and grooming room hoping to find the food container open and waiting!

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