Tuesday, February 5, 2013

People are Strange!

"Is that a Labrador?" yelled the taxi driver from his taxi.  He then got out, petted me, and offered us a free ride into town.  Whenever someone asks Bracha if I am a Labrador, she is very careful to tell them that I am HALF Labrador retriever and HALF golden retriever.  This is because Bracha has a special affection for golden retrievers, because SUki was a golden.  She is also well aware that I have some very predominating golden retriever characteristics.  I am very smart, I have a phenomenal memory, and I am very stubborn.  Like when I try and go to the pet store, or refuse to do "busy" in the special place she built for me.  Maybe next week I'll feel differently.  Who knows.

Anyway, while we drove to town Bracha explained how I am trained, and assured him that he could not simply teach his Labrador (of questionable lineage) to cross the street.  "What for?"  she asked.  
And I have several questions:
What makes people feel they have the right to ask Bracha whether she sees at all, or how long she has not seen?  What business is it of theirs?  I never hear Bracha asking them why they are fat, or whether they dye their hair, or ask a person in a wheelchair why they can't walk...why are people so rude?

Today in the clothing store Bracha was told by the sales woman not to let me touch the clothes.  "There are white clothes here.  She mustn't put her paws on them."  Bracha assured her that my feet were only on the floor, and then left the  store without buying anything.  I think she lost any enthusiasm for patronizing the store.  Bracha told me afterwards that she was tempted to ask her if she told other customers not to put their shoes or feet on the white clothes, but decided against it.  Why bother with these people?  I got on the bus, did my doughnut turnaround and lay under the seat, quietly dozing all the way home.  How strange people are!

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