Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Bracha, Come Rescue Me! I'm Wet!

Mind you, I love water. That is, swimming in it. but when it comes to going out in the rain, I'm less enthusiastic. If I have to get my fur wet and don't have the fun of swimming, it just isn't worth it! I do wish I could jump into the pool with Bracha, but I know that's not allowed. So I'm usually content to lie quietly in my spot near the edge and watch everyone in the water, making sure I keep a good eye on Bracha.

Now today was a bit different. It was raining hard and I kept shaking myself as we walked from the car to the pool. And it continued raining even when we were in the pool. The rain on the plastic roof was very noisy, and I soon noticed that Bracha felt that water was coming down from the roof into the pool. Then she got out and checked that I was dry and not getting rained on. But soon I noticed that the floor was getting wet and water was rapidly oozing over to where I was lying, so I stood up. I looked at Bracha appealingly. Do I have to lie here where it's wet?
Certainly not! Bracha got out of the pool again and came over and she could tell that the floor was getting pretty wet. "Come on Suki. I'll take you where it's dry and warm." And off we went to the locker room and Bracha dried me off with a towel. How lucky I am that Bracha doesn't want me to get wet and cold! And when are they going to fix the roof?

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