Just in case you think I sometimes get bored, or that maybe I have it hard and ought to be a pet dog who sits home all day, here is a typical trip to the city of Tel Aviv and Back and everything I have to do:
Out of the house to catch a ride to the train station - or almost all the way. Walk to the main stoplights and get across the busy intersection at the entrance to Nahariya. (three crossings, one without a stoplight)
Get through the train station, stop at the drinking fountain for a drink (even if I'm not really thirsty it's just a habit!)
Get on the train and find a seat. Settle down.
Make appealing dog faces and wag my tail ad the lady who sits down and starts petting me. Back to sleep until Bracha wakes me up with a treat and clips on my harness. Up the steps of the train car and out the door.
Out of the train station and up the escalator (Hooray! Two of 'em!) and over to the bus station.
Get on the bus, walk to the sabim and up to the door, into the elevator, and nudge saba awake with my cold nose! Nap on the Persian rug.
Back on the bus, get off, and find Petel!
Walk down the sidewalk, avoiding parked motorcycles and people, moving bicycles, and trees, and settle down in the restaurant under the table. Petel and I played for a bit and then went to sleep.
Liron and Petel showed Bracha how to operate the revolving door while onlookers all shouted at us to go through the regular door. Don't they know I can handle this??? Get into the cell of the revolving door and out the other side.
Walk down Shaul HaMelech, up the big moving stairs that I love, dodging people and more cyclists on the sidewalk, and over the big pedestrian bridge, find the elevator for Bracha, and walk straight to the 68 bus stop. (I don't know the number, I just know where it is).
Ride the bus until we get to the place where Rotem goes to school. New route: down the steps and around the fence until I find the gate and zip into the school. Find Rotem in the long hallway, go out, and walk to Rotem's house. I know that gate from all the others.
Sit quietly under Bracha's chair while visiting with people.
Cross the street and get back on the bus. Then the other new route - from Jabotinsky, across two busy streets, around the stairs, and wind through the path between the bitg buildings and into the train station tunnel. Bracha praises me and gives me a treat. Down the tunnel and through the turnstile. Onto the platform and onto the train.
Grab a nice cozy spot between the seats just made for guide dogs! Sleep until we get to Nahariya. Get off the train, through the station and out to the cab stand. Into a taxi, sit nicely and make eyes at the driver till we get home.
Dinner, busy, and bed! What was that they said about my having to work too hard? Do they think I'd like to sit home all day? No way!