Just look at me! Here I am after my trim at the pet store! Bracha does not want anyone cutting my fur, and I really don't want it cut either, but this bype of brushing really felt good. I had to go up a little narrow flight of stairs and one of the men at the pet store lifted me onto a table. I was a bit frightened at first, but Bracha was there all the time and soon the woman named Ivgenya began brushing me all over. Soon great tufts of my undercoat started coming out and filled an entire bucket! I began to relax, lay down, and stretched out and let her brush me all over. And suddenly I had less fur! Than she picked me up and put me in the bathtub and I had a shower and shampoo with special shampoo for white dogs! Finally I was wrapped in a big fluffy towel and my fur was blow-dried and it was all over!
So look at me! How long will it take for me to find a nice, muddy puddle?
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