Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Pool - Where everyone likes me!

Guide dogs are allowed in the area of a swimming pool (not in the water!). You bet! We've got it down to a set routine. First I get in the back of the car and lie quietly on the way to the pool. When we get there the guard says good morning and holds the side door open so that we don't have to go through the turnstile. After all, they know who we are. Then I trot straight to the locker room to our special corner, where Bracha opens our little locker and takes out her swimming gear, rubber clogs, and my water bowl. Usually there's someone in the locker room to say hello - even ask what my name is or how old I am. Then we trot out to the pool.
There is a special place where Bracha clips my leash to the fence and puts my water bowl down next to me. Then I have to start work. I have to keep an eye on Bracha while she is in the water. Sure, they have a lifeguard there, but I consider myself far more competent and effective. I turn my head back and forth and everyone comments on what a good jog I do watching and following Bracha in the water. And maybe Bracha doesn't know it, but there is one man who comes by and kisses me on my head.
Now the funny part comes. Near where I sit is a little house. It's made of wood and smells like warm wood, and Bracha gets out of the pool and goes in there. It must be very hot inside, but I now know that in a few minutes she'll come out again. SO I'm no longer frightened when Bracha goes in there. I sit quietly until she comes out. Then I wait quietly in the locker room until it's time to pack up and leave.
Now, I'm curious as to why the man who owns the pool once told Bracha that I might bother people there and that he wasn't sure I could go in because he might lose business. How silly! Everyone loves me at the pool. Yesterday it was raining so hard that Bracha left me home where I would be safe and dry, and she said everyone missed me and asked about me!

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