Taking advantage of the fine weather following the heavy rains and preceding tne next batch of thunderstorms, we set out for Meggido, where it was rumored that there were carpets of anemones covering the huge field - a former landing strip. Only in Israel can you find hordes of people with babies and small children turning out on a Saturday to look at flowers. Making our way through the families on the path, Suki and I were stopped numerous times and questioned by curious children and adults alike.
We strolled along the paths bordered with string to prevent people (and dogs) from trampling the lovely carpets of pink, white, purple, and red flowers. From there we continued on the the Ramot Menasheh Forest, where we finally reached places that were isolated enough to keep my perpetually ravenous golden retriever from snatching someone's picnic lunch, and and safe from traffic for her to run. Naturally Suki headed straight for the first mud puddle, but her paws soon dried off enough to be allowed back into the jeep. Finally, in a green field at the top of a hill, Suki was able to wander about at her liesure, and came back once in a while for a pat and a tidbit. I now fdeel confident that Suki will always keep a set distance and come back to me when I call her when she is off leash.
After that run she was quite willing to settle down and sleep in the car all the way to Haifa, where she ate and had yet another long nap on the terrace while I cuddled both granddaughters.

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