I guess what led up to my finally getting a full-blown shower and shampoo was that little dip in the mud puddle I decided to take on Friday when we went for a walk along the beach. I did get my paws wiped off because after all, we were going to friends' house for dinner, and I really didn't want to track mud all over the house, or get banished to the veranda where my chances of picking up crumbs would be pretty slim. They had a little baby there sort of like the Emma, but this one was somewhat bigger and did a bit more crying and looking around. So the next morning Bracha rounded me up, pu8t on my collar and plastic leash, and we went into the shower. It wasn't so bad: I got soaped and lathered and my fur got nice and clean and dried very wavy and fluffier than ever! Now I really look like a golden retriever. And I smell different...
Things I did nicely: sat quietly in the post office, Bituach Leumi, at dinner on Friday, and with friends on Saturday at home, found the pole where there is a button to turn on the stoplights, and sat quietly on the bus.
Things I did that were naughty: I downright sulked when we didn't go into the pet store, despite the fact that I tried to pull Bracha there as hard as I could and then refused to turn away and continue down the street! And I stole a roll off the counter…Bracha yelled, "NO!" and turned her back on me and crossed her arms, and SHE sulked at ME for a half hour. I know I've promised to try not to steal food before…
But the most fun was meeting Liron and Petel in Tel Aviv. We went into the big mall and there were lots of moving stairs and suddenly there was my old friend Petel! We jumped all over each other, and Bracha and Liron sat down to eat and drink and Petel and I lay like model guide dogs under the table. Then we all went parading down the main street in Tel Aviv where Petel goes every day but I have never been before. There was an elevator and an escalator and a huge bridge to walk over, too! But I like living in the country. Petel has no green field to run in like I do. And she can't snitch avocados from the …oops, I promised not to steal food any more…."
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