I'm exhausted. It was a lovely sunny day and in the morning I woke Bracha up as usual at some time before 6:00. It was the first day of 2010, but evidently It was still an unacceptable hour for getting up, and Bracha gave me the usual "Lishon, Suki, leeeshon" so I did my usual turn around three times on my pillow at the foot of the bed and settled down again with a loud dramatic sigh. I tried the same thing again in another half hour, and this time I got results: we were soon in action, dressed, leash on, and outside ready for action. I even got a run around the basketball court and an obedience lesson while the other black fluffy dog Nuala looked on and we both got treats.
Then in the afternoon Barbi came around and we went to the big green field again. I ran and ran and ran until I flopped down and couldn't run any more. Than I happily led us home again, ate dinner, and I'm so tired I can't even fin...

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