It's hard to believe, but Bracha and I officially met as potential dog and handler exactly one year ago. Those of you who have been following this blog and remember the beginning when Bracha was given Petel to walk on the first course know that we did not walk together on that course at all. Bracha says she remembers me as a big and very pretty golden retriever who Orelia was having trouble getting to sit down and artza when she wanted to. But the day before Yom Kippur last year Ami called Bracha and told her they wanted to consider giving me to her and wanted her to come down to Rehovot and walk with me.
I remember that day very well. Roi and Ami put me in the big cage in the back of the van and drove me to Rehovot. They had brushed me very carefully and I had a feeling that something was going on because there were two trainers and no other dogs on the outing. When Bracha came through the turnstile at the train station I remembered her from the course. She shook hands with Ami and Roi and then bent down to pet me and say hello. Ami gave her my leash and we walked outside to the car.
The walk we had together was not too long and not difficult - a square route around the block. I remember Bracha handling me rather hesitantly at first, but, well, she'd only had two days of walking with Petel. I got into a little mischief and chased a leaf, causing Ami to jerk on the extra leash and call me to order. But I sort of wanted Bracha to see that I could get a bit rambunctious at times. She wanted me really badly after that. I could tell. And when Ami and Roi put me back in my cage at the end of the walk and we drove Bracha back to the train station, she looked at me for one last time through the bars of my cage and I could tell she wanted to take me home right then and there. So I was terribly excited when I heard Ami call Bracha on the phone from the car and tell her that they had decided to give me to her! And that was the beginning of the story.
Bracha took me to the beach the other day and I got to show off my new present that she bought me - a bright purple collar. And after that we went to dinner at a friend's house, and I know I behaved very well - er, once they had remembered to take the bowl of the cat's food off the floor. But hey, I had been jumping the waves all afternoon, and I was hungry. So I think I needed to be forgiven for that little misdemeanor. After all, Bracha knows from since I chased a leaf on that first walk and refused to sit down when Orelia told me to - that I can be a bit rambunctious. That's what makes me special.
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