One of the reasons that I love riding the train is that everyone admires me. And yesterday we found that there was really someone watching. All the way I lay sleeping happily under the table, enjoying the cool air and soft blue carpet. When we got to Tel Aviv we got off at a different station and went up lots of moving stairs over the big bridge and into the large shopping mall. I love moving stairs, and one of them ran high up over the bridge and the street far below. But I handled them like a pro. We zipped out of the station and into the mall, and then went to the store where Bracha bought some floating balloons that she gave to my grandparents. I didn't like that too much - filling up the baloons made a loud hissing noise that I don't like, and one of them burst when the man filled it up, making a loud explosion that made me jump, but Bracha assured me that it was OK and that it was a special surprise for my grandparents.
They seemed to like the balloons a lot, and soon we got into Yael's car to go to the restaurant to celebrate their 65th annie verse aree, what ever that is, but it all sounded good. When we got there there was a security guard at the door who asked Bracha if she had a certificate. He was very polite. Bracha said she had one, and that only people with certificates have guide dogs anyway. He got up and went into the restaurant and told the woman at the door that I was a guide dog and was allowed in by law, and in we went!
I soon settled in a corner under the table and observed the proceedings. Everyone was happy and there was a lot of laughing and fun going on. I lay under the table and watched it all. Part of this celebration seemed to involve taking lots pf pictures and Rotem and Hadar making special hats and costumes out of the drinking straws, but as usual everyone soon settled down to eating. At the end the waitress brought out several dishes with fire coming out of them like on Saba's birthday, and everyone had a good time.
Soon it was time to go and we got into the car to go to the station. Bracha rode in back with the Rotem and the Hadar and Yael sat with me in front and petted me all the way. And when we got on the train a man came up to us. He said he had been on the train when we came to Tel Aviv. "I saw how she led you," he said. "She's an amazing dog, and very pretty, too." I felt so proud!! And then, of course, I went to sleep.
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