Now that it's summertime and it's hot I think about water all the time. If I had my way I'd be swimming in it all the time, or at least getting my paws wet. But since that's not possible, at least I've learned to find water whenever I can. That helps Bracha fill up our bottle and make sure that we both have enough to drink.
I take my share of the responsibility. I make sure to stop at the water cooler at the entrance to the train station in Nahariya. I know where the cooler is at the station in Tel Aviv, too. And There is also one in Haifa that I can find if we are on the right platform. So that's easy. All Bracha has to do is say, "Suki, ayfo mayim?" and I'll find the cooler.
Now I discovered that on our hike through the fields by the river there is one irrigation outlet that has a plastic hose that Bracha can open and let me have a drink or get my paws wet. All the outlets look alike, but I know exactly which is the right one and go up to it and wait for Bracha to turn the water on! We've been there enough times for me to recognize it. Now I know how to drink water out of the end of the hose and I'm not scared of it any more. Saoirse used to do that, too. I think I learned from her.
Now there is only one strange thing that I can't figure out. When we go to the beach, the water we swim in doesn't taste good. As a matter of fact, once it made me feel a bit sick. It's strange, but Bracha has to give me water out of my bowl on the beach because I can't drink the water in the sea. The world sure is a strange and interesting place.
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