Thursday, July 8, 2010

Lady, Yuni, and I

Free Running in the Front Yard

It's not often that I get to socialize with another guide dog, but yesterday was very special because I got to socialize with another two! All three of us are golden retrievers. Lady is golden brown, and Yuni is a light buff color. Both are a little older than me, but I am much bigger than both of them. We golden retrievers come in all colors and sizes. First all three of us scampered around Erez's small apartment but were soon called to order and Yuni and I settled down under chairs like good guide dogs while Lady curled up in the little hutch space under Erez's desk. Then after what seemed an endless amount of time someone said something about "free run." So out we all went. Well, I guess if you live in the city you have to be content with a free run space that is very small, and I immediately tested the limits by jumping onto the entrance patio of the building and back again. But it was better than nothing and all three of us had a great time.


Two in a Taxi

We know taxi drivers are supposed to take guide dogs. So why should there be any objection if they take two people with guide dogs? The driver on the way was very gracious and said that he had taken Arieh Shmidt z"l and his dog Alvin quite often. Bracha and I sat in front while Adi and Yuni sat in back. But when Adi called for a taxi to take us back to the train from Erez's house and said we had two guide dogs, , the dispatcher said, I don't know whether that's possible." This is not the kind of comment we like to hear when we have to catch a train. When the driver arrived we got in and all the way he argued with Adi about the fact that two dogs were not allowed, and that he was doing us a personal favor. Since both Yuni and I were sitting quietly, I really saw no reason for him to object. Why can't two people with guide dogs travel together?


No Clipping – Just a Trim

This morning Bracha led me outside and showed me something new – a pair of scissors. She let me sniff them, gave me a treat, and said that she was going to give me a trim. Ami had also said that this was advisable since some of my hair is getting very long and soft and I come home from the fields with seeds and burrs caught under my ears! So Bracha began to gently clip around my ears and underneath. I saw it didn't hurt, so I just decided to cooperate and lay down and let her go at it. Soon the lawn was covered with little tufts of white hair, but the area under my ears was much more trim and neat. I guess I don't mind having my hair trimmed – particularly if it's followed by a treat!

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