The pet store in Givatayim is definitely a place worth marking, so every time we approach the corner of Katznelson and Sirkin, I make a beeline for it. And luckily most of the time Bracha wants to go there. The man there says he enjoys seeing us work together and that made me feel good. And it made me feel even better when he put a handful of biscuits in Bracha's hand to give me later. Not only that, but he stuffed a few little rawhide bones in the bag with the dog food Bracha bought. I guess he really likes me. So did the man on the train who sat across from us on the way home, but I was so tired all I could do was sigh with relief when the train started moving and crawl under the seat and go to sleep. It's a long hard day getting from Ben Ami to Givatayim, Haifa, and back again.
Bracha was considering going to the beach without me, but in the end she didn't like the idea of traveling to Nahariya and walking through town without me. To tell you the truth, I think she couldn't resist the fun of taking me there and watching me run on the beach. I even got a shower there and shampoo. I love the beach. And it's a place where I can get wet and come out clean. The only trouble is that it is difficult to go into stores and coffee shops with a damp dog smelling of Eau du Wet Canine that occasionally shakes itself spraying water over everything in the surrounding area. And anyway, after we are through at the beach, I'm tired.
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