Hooraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! As soon as I saw we were heading for the beach I pulled so hard that Bracha had to settle me down. I can't help it. I love it. And after a morning on the train and walking around Haifa, I was all but chomping at the bit to get loose and run. So when Bracha let me off the leash I was extra good - coming back occasionally to spray water all over her and accept a tidbit, only to run off again. Bracha knows I will come back every time, especially if she goes into the water and I have to keep a careful eye out. But I did have my fun. And I even found some playmates to romp around with. I don't know how many times I ran in and out of the water, raced around the beach, came back again, and ran back into the water, but finally I collapsed in a heap on the sand and Bracha made me call it quits and drink water. After all, I had to walk back through Nahariya again, and I headed straight for the dog water drinking station in front of Aroma, where I drank about another liter of water.
I think between ice cubes and the beach, we can get through the summer. Even with a full coat of fur.

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