Bracha here...Gilad Shalit's parents were joined by 10,000 marchers and one large white dog today on the first day of their 12-day march from Mitzpeh Hilla to Jerusalem. Suki joined me as we walked from Ben Ami to Nahariya and then on to the southern entrance to town where a rally was held in a local mall. I never go anywhere without Suki, and thought that since I wanted to join the walk than naturally Suki must come with me. I took her portable water bowl, put on her shoes, and we started out.
I think Suki did very well. The most difficult thing for her was not the distance and the hot weather, as we walk at least that far quite often and she often runs hard in the fields for far more than an hour. What was difficult is that there were hundreds of people, many shouting loudly, blowing trumpets and horns, and making a lot of noise. And Suki's instincts and training were put to the test when for the first time ever we walked down the center of the highway, which had been cordoned off by police, and did not walk on the sidewalk as she had been taught. All of Suki's mind must have been hollering, "YOU IDIOT! GET BACK ON THE SIDEWALK where we BELONG!" At one point I really thought she had had enough, and she lay down under the pedestrian bridge about a quarter hour before the end of the walk. But some water, a short rest, and some treats got her going again, and we made it all the way. Suki slept through most of the noisy rally, but I could hardly blame her. Suki's shoes now show the first signs of wear, but thanks to her shoes her paws held up fine on the hot asphalt and sidewalks and her shoes attracted a lot of attention. . She came through with flying colors. But she's far too tired to write tonight.
Suki here. I'm glad Bracha wrote for me last night because frankly I was so tired I couldn't even sit up. After I ate my dinner I just lay down in my favorite spot by the front door and went to sleep. I know that Bracha did everything she could to make sure that I would not get overheated, thirsty, or that my paws would not get burned on the hot pavement. But I've just never seen so many people in my life! Bracha says it was good that there were so many people marching to bring Gilad Shalit home, but it was not easy for me to walk among everyone. People kept shouting about my shoes. What's so special? They were all wearing shoes. Why shouldn't I? And those trumpets they kept blowing and car horns honking and kids shouting ...it was all a bit confusing. And I could not understand why everyone was walking in the road. People are supposed to walk on the sidewalk. So after about 45 minutes of this I had really had enough, and I lay down on the ground under the bridge where it was shady and windy and just wanted to go to sleep. Bracha let me rest a bit and then I figured, what the heck, we need to show our support all the way, so I got up (with a little encouragement) and finished the march. It was nice to lie on the floor in the cool mall and go to sleep. So I'm very proud that I was allowed to march too, and to show my support. I would not have wanted to be left at home. But then, I never want to be left at home...