Suki's first encounter with the river was a great success, though there was not as much water as I thought there would be. It was enough for her to get wet and for me to verify that if she sees water, she will definitely go in.
Today I once again consulted with Ami regarding Suki's halts while walking. There are, I believe, instances in which Suki is truly afraid of something, as the fenced in yard with about eight dogs in it that she refuses to pass, the pecan tree with the birds, something on our road (the fire hydrant?) and various other things that I cannot identify. Other instances are simply, I believe, golden retriever stubbornness and the result of a smart dog who has a mind of her own and is attempting to manipulate things and get her own way: trying to turn to the pet store, the basketball court, or the train station.
If Suki is afraid of something, it is best to try and encourage her to go forward, using the clicker and a food reward when she agrees to go. If it's simply stubbornness, than she will not be given food when she agrees to go. This, I think, will simply encourage her to keep up the behavior and give her positive reinforcement for something I don't want her to do. Ami agrees. She'll get a good hard forward pull on the leash, and if nothing else, get pulled forward and made to go. I will not, however, try to get Suki to go past the barking dogs, as I think it's simply too much to ask of her. She is, after all, only a dog. There are plenty of other places where we can walk. She is eager to please: her favorite tasks are finding benches at the train station, seats at bus stops, the pole where you have to push the button to get the stoplight to work, and of course, ATM machines. And it took only two or three trips through the Carmel Beach bus station for Suki to remember that there was an escalator there and to make straight for it. She knows how to have fun and deserves it.
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