Note: this is one of the pictures taken by Nurit Teitelman a year ago. Suki moves far too fast for me to follow her with my camera!
I think we are very fortunate to live on a moshav where there are so many places to run. I don't mean the basketball court: I mean the big open fields. Yesterday we went to a big empty field far from the road and I got to run free. There was high green grass and some nettles but I didn't mind because it was so much fun just to run back and forth as fast as I can. Occasionally I would come running back to Bracha and Barbi just to assure them that I knew where they were and that they were not lost in the field, and Bracha would give me a pat and a treat and send me off running again.
Today Bracha took me back to the big field again. I know she meant to let me go free again, but there was a ??? there and there was no way I was gonna go in, run or no run. I know Bracha was disappointed, but I don't think it was only the dog barking in the house next to the field that made me sit down and refuse to go. I hope Bracha will take me back there again when the ??? is not there any more. I would really like to run and leap in that field again.
Disappointed, I turned Suki around and headed home. Again, I saw nothing close enough for me to see that I could attribute as being the reason for Suki balking at the beginning of the field. Horses? An animal? A strange smell? Sorry, Suki, no run today. Your loss. Maybe some time we'll figure it out. But I will take you back there again.
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