The Aboriginies spoke of three-dog nights - unusually cold nights in which you needed three dogs to sleep with you in order to keep warm. Suki, Saoirse, Nuala, and I have now initiated what I call the three-dog walk. It is now becomming a common sight to see me walking around Ben Ami with Suki in her harness, Nuala trotting along, and Saoirse, who is now elderly and who has a, uh, slower pace, to be plodding determinedly behind. Only four days ago I was afraid to walk out the door with her! She has been very good in the grocery store and recognizes the turnoff to the path up to the house, pausing on the opposte side of the road waiting to get the command to cross. I've also used the clicker to teacher the word "meetah" (bed) and she goes and site on her rug.
Most commin questions people have asked me besides the usual is she male or female, what kind of dog is she, how old is she...
How does she know how to get to the grocery store? (She doesn't. I have to tell her the way, though eventually she will memorize it and no doubt go there on autopilot).
How does she know when to cross the road? (She doesn't. I have to tell her when to cross, but if she sees a car coming, she'll intelligently disobey and not cross).
How come you talk to her in masculine? This is still strange for me, but I hope to move her commands and "Good dog" into feminine eventually. Right now she has enough changes to contend with.
It is apparent that people know very little about guide dogs.
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