Bracha takes a tlook at the clock and turns away. "Suki, mita! Lishon!"
I get the message. Bracha does not want to get up. First call, failure. I plod back to my bed, turn around three times like any dog wirth its weight in Pro Plan chicken and rice, and flop down again with a sigh.
But things are, er, rather pressing. It's not long before I wake up and try again. Get up, tail wagging, prodding cold nose. No go. It's 06:15.
"Suki, lo! LIshon! I'm not getting up at 06:15 on Shabbat!" Second call, no go. No va.
Back to bed, three turns around, sign, back for a snooze.
I try again. It's 06:45. This time I even get Nuala into it with me. Both of us stand by the bed, tails wagging. Front paws on the bed, cold noses, and I start licking Bracha's face. "Get up!"
That does it. I get petted, Nuala gets petted, and when things get too crazy Bracha shoves us both back down off the bed. We did it!
Lately it's been so wet and rainy that we can't even go out into the orchard because it's too muddy, so we go busy on the road. There are black clouds on the horizon, my fur is already damp, and the ground is cold and muddy. I'll bet the river is running and full of water, but I think even I would not enjoy swimming too much. It's winter.
But on the bright side, I'm doing much better. I think the other day Bracha was finally convinced that I can take those little pills she keeps putting in my food and still work and do my job. When we got off the bus to go to the train station I zipped down the street, turned in at the right place, and when Bracha said "Rakevet!" I went to the opening of the long tunnel. Bracha gave me a treat, and then we continued down the tunnel, passed the stairs to the first platform, then the stairs to the second, and when I got to the right platform I turned and went to the top of the stairs and stopped. I'm not sure how I know which is the right stairway. I can't read the numbers. I just know. Then I found the water fountain and Bracha gave me another treat and a drink out of my new bowl, and we got on the train. And I curled up to go to sleep. It's all in a day's work.

Oh, by the way, this is my new water bowl. It has the same little dog picture on it that is on the bag to my red shoes. It collapses into a little bundle and goes right into Bracha's bag, and this one won't leak! (Ruff Wear water bowl)