Friday, August 21, 2015
Dog Days!
Let me tell you, they aren't kidding when they say "dog days" when talking about summer. But I really don't understand why. These days aren't fit for dogs at all. The pavement is so hot in the city that Bracha does not take me out without my shoes, and that gets everyone on the street looking at me and making comments. So we attract a lot of attention. But I still continue my work as usual.
Actually, I had to work even harder this week because things were not as they usually are. We golden retrievers are indeed the smartest, and once we get a route into our memory, well, that's it! But when something changes along that route, then we have to really start thinking. That happened this week when Bracha and I walked to the train station in Tel AViv. We crossed a very busy street and then Bracha told me to turn left and start walking down the sidewalk. Bracha didn't see that there was a big pile of bricks and sand where the sidewalk used to be. So I continued straight and started to look for a way around it. Bracha told me to stop, and started to try and turn around, but a nice man asked her if she needed help. She told him where she wanted to go, and he explained to her that the sidewalk was all broken up, and that she had to go around and bypass the broken up area. "My dog was right!" Bracha told him. I can tell you, I felt pretty smug. Bracha just tole me, "Kadima, larakevet!" (forward, to the train!) and off I went. I quickly got us back on the sidewalk and just to make sure, I made a stop at the bus stop where we usually get off, just to let Bracha know where we were. When we got into the train station Bracha gave me a drink of water - and a treat. I think I deserved it. But, it's all par for the course. AT least, for a smart Labrdor golden retriever like me.
And now we are back home again. And it so hot that all I really want to do is lie on the patio and sleep!
Saturday, July 25, 2015
Sunday, October 20, 2013
One Year Together!
It's hard to believe, but Bracha and I have been together for a year! Exactly a year ago Rafi brought me to Bracha in her room at the Center, and our life together began. We had met several times before when Bracha came to visit, because she was so very sad and lonely after Suki died that she needed every minute she could get with me and could barely wait for the course to start so that she could have a guide dog again.
I was determined to help her feel at home with me, and I know that at first it was hard for her. You see, I am a bit more aloof than Suki was, less demonstrative of my love and affection, and simply a different dog. But I know that Bracha loves me deeply and feels great affection for me, just as I do for her, and that she loves me just as she loved SUki.
Bracha now knows that when I come over and just sit quietly beside her, I am feeling good, happy, and secure. And when I carry my toys to her and persist in asking to play, she knows that this is important to me and gives in every time. And I know that when she gets up every day she'll put out her hand and wait for me to pass under it again again, turning around in circles the way I love to do, and getting petted on my back as I go back and forth under her hand. She's used to my hard pull and my excitement when I know where we are headed, and I'm used to wearing a head collar to make it more comfortable for both of us to walk together. We've both made our concessions, and that's part of having a good working relationship.
And now Bracha and I are officially working for the Center! We are so proud! Bracha is Assistant for Resource Development and marketing, and I am assistant to the assistant of resource development and Marketing. So we both have a job to do, and we'll keep doing it together.
We've been to London, New York, and all over Israel, and we are going to do more traveling together this year, too. I know we can do whatever we need to do together, and that we are a great partnership.
And next week is my birthday! Hooray! Bracha has promised me a trip to the pet store to buy some new toys. And I know after a year that when Bracha promises, she keeps that promise.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Across the Ocean and Back Again
There is so much to write about our trip to the United States that I barely know where to start! We hadf a lot of adventures there, and I had to work very hard, but Bracha told me on the plane on the way home that I had behaved in an ex-M-plerry manner. I'm not sure what that means, but I gather it means I was good. I know that I did bark at the horses and buggies in front of Independence Hall in Philadelphia, but besides that I was a model guide dog, doing my job even on crowded Fifth Avenue and sitting quietly in meetings, making friends with people and dogs everywhere I went.
There were a lot of puzzling things in the United States that I didn't understand: the second day we were there we went to see a large bell. A lot of people were waiting in line to see it, so I thought naturally that at one point it would at least ring...but it didn't. And they didn't let anyone touch it except for Bracha because everyone else could see it but they let Bracha feel it. And I don't know why they keep it: it has a big crack going down one side! Why don't they get a new one? Anyway, here we are next to the bell..
I know that Bracha loved being in Manhattan again, despite the fact that sometimes she felt a little sad because Suki had been there with her before, and that reminded her of Suki. I made sure to sit close to Bracha and comfort her, and to help guide her through the crowded streets of Manhattan. The buildings are so tall there that it is like walking through a large valley with high walls, and there is, er, very little place to go busy, except for the lovely huge park in the middle, which I loved. But the most interesting thing was that when we got to Atlantic City Mike took Bracha to a large place with lots of noise and flashing lights. It was called a Casino. Mike sat Bracha down at one of the machines with flashing lights and put money inside. The machine made a lot of ringing and nose and when it stopped Bracha got more money out of it! She and Mike laughed and cheered. I wonder why we don't have machines like this in Israel. IT seems like a good thing to have...
The only day I was really unhappy in the United States was when Bracha got hold of one of those darned bicycles and rode off with Pnina, leaving me barking unhappily with Mike taking care of me. But Mike took me to the big park and I ran and ran on the green lawn, even caught a golf ball on the fly! But I was happiest when Bracha rode back again at the end of the day and hugged me, and told me she had missed me.
Anyway, I spent a lot of tine in Pennsylvania playing with Penny, Mike's dog, and she let me share her toys. with me. And I met a lot of really nice people who petted me and admired me constantly. One of the nicest was Sara. Sara took to me immediately, and we sat together looking out out over the ocean that is right in back of her house. I knew that the next day I would be flying over that ocean back home again, and I was happy that our adventures were over. And Bracha has told me that we will be going to the United States again. I wonder if they will have fixed that bell by the time I get back there, and if it will ring...
There were a lot of puzzling things in the United States that I didn't understand: the second day we were there we went to see a large bell. A lot of people were waiting in line to see it, so I thought naturally that at one point it would at least ring...but it didn't. And they didn't let anyone touch it except for Bracha because everyone else could see it but they let Bracha feel it. And I don't know why they keep it: it has a big crack going down one side! Why don't they get a new one? Anyway, here we are next to the bell..
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The bell that everybody comes to see but doesn't even ring. It's called the Liberty Bell.. |
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Sara and I gazing out over the Atlantic Ocean, good friends together. |
I know that Bracha loved being in Manhattan again, despite the fact that sometimes she felt a little sad because Suki had been there with her before, and that reminded her of Suki. I made sure to sit close to Bracha and comfort her, and to help guide her through the crowded streets of Manhattan. The buildings are so tall there that it is like walking through a large valley with high walls, and there is, er, very little place to go busy, except for the lovely huge park in the middle, which I loved. But the most interesting thing was that when we got to Atlantic City Mike took Bracha to a large place with lots of noise and flashing lights. It was called a Casino. Mike sat Bracha down at one of the machines with flashing lights and put money inside. The machine made a lot of ringing and nose and when it stopped Bracha got more money out of it! She and Mike laughed and cheered. I wonder why we don't have machines like this in Israel. IT seems like a good thing to have...
The only day I was really unhappy in the United States was when Bracha got hold of one of those darned bicycles and rode off with Pnina, leaving me barking unhappily with Mike taking care of me. But Mike took me to the big park and I ran and ran on the green lawn, even caught a golf ball on the fly! But I was happiest when Bracha rode back again at the end of the day and hugged me, and told me she had missed me.
Anyway, I spent a lot of tine in Pennsylvania playing with Penny, Mike's dog, and she let me share her toys. with me. And I met a lot of really nice people who petted me and admired me constantly. One of the nicest was Sara. Sara took to me immediately, and we sat together looking out out over the ocean that is right in back of her house. I knew that the next day I would be flying over that ocean back home again, and I was happy that our adventures were over. And Bracha has told me that we will be going to the United States again. I wonder if they will have fixed that bell by the time I get back there, and if it will ring...
Monday, June 17, 2013
Off on a New Adventure
Well, I guess this is it. Bracha has closed the large suitcase, and I know very well that my little yellow pumpkin toy is insice it. So I hope it will be there when we get to New York and Pennsylvania, because I want it so much! See? It's right there next to Bracha's drinking bottle. And we are off on a new adventure. Bracha has promised me lots of good times and interesting places, and it's even worth having to skip my dinner tonight and then get on the plane where I will have to stay for 12 hours or so. But I know that if Bracha is with me things will be OK.
Now, I know that today Bracha is also a bit sad, because Suki died a year ago tomorrow. I will be there for her, resting my head in her lap, and reminding her that she has me all the time and that I love her just as SUki did. I am so different than Suki, but there are a lot of things that I do that remind her of SUki a lot, and I know that Bracha likes that a lot. So here we go on another adventure...
Oh Dinka!
Tonight we leave for New York. It will be an exciting adventure for us and I know I can count on you to help me wherever we go, and to be well-behaved and make me proud of you. June 18th, the day when we will fly out of Tel Aviv and land in New York, is also a year since I lost Suki. I am glad I will be far away, busy doing things with you, because that will make the day go by much more easily for me. You know how much I remember Suki, and how much I still miss her. You also know that I love you just as I loved Suki just lilke I promised I would.
You are a different dog than Suki, but you do many things that acutely remind me of her:! You come to me each morning just as Suki did, stretching first with your rear end up in the air, and then stretching out your back legs with your head in the air, and then thumping your tail against the dresser to wake me up. And you love to lay in the sun on the patio, just as Suki did, steal avocados, and bring me toys. And, of course, you confidently lead me down the street just as Suki did, and I can count on you to do your job. Unlike Suki, who was afraid of squeaky dog toys, you love them and will do anything to get one. You are not scared of the crows in the pecan tree, or the tractor and wagon standing on the road, but I know you hate loud music and being on stage with me, which makes you shake and pant and very unhappy. You never sleep in cars like Suki did, but remain wide awake in cars and taxis, sitting at attention with me and occasionally resting your head on my knee just as Suki used to do. And just like Suki, you love to have an endless line of school children or even kindergartners waiting and filing past, petting you as they go, and you thump your tail loudly on the floor with happiness when they stroke your soft fur.
I think I know you well already, Dinka, and you know me. That same aloofness that I sensed when we first met still exists, but I know that behind that is a deep loyalty and attachment to me. You can be content just sitting next to me, enjoying my hand resting on your back or ruffling the fur between your ears.
So it's a sad time of year for me, Dinka, but I'm glad we are together, setting off on a new adventure. And when we get back I will continue to take care of you, to keep you safe, and occasionally feel like I am walking with two white dogs whom I love.
Now, I know that today Bracha is also a bit sad, because Suki died a year ago tomorrow. I will be there for her, resting my head in her lap, and reminding her that she has me all the time and that I love her just as SUki did. I am so different than Suki, but there are a lot of things that I do that remind her of SUki a lot, and I know that Bracha likes that a lot. So here we go on another adventure...
Oh Dinka!
Tonight we leave for New York. It will be an exciting adventure for us and I know I can count on you to help me wherever we go, and to be well-behaved and make me proud of you. June 18th, the day when we will fly out of Tel Aviv and land in New York, is also a year since I lost Suki. I am glad I will be far away, busy doing things with you, because that will make the day go by much more easily for me. You know how much I remember Suki, and how much I still miss her. You also know that I love you just as I loved Suki just lilke I promised I would.
You are a different dog than Suki, but you do many things that acutely remind me of her:! You come to me each morning just as Suki did, stretching first with your rear end up in the air, and then stretching out your back legs with your head in the air, and then thumping your tail against the dresser to wake me up. And you love to lay in the sun on the patio, just as Suki did, steal avocados, and bring me toys. And, of course, you confidently lead me down the street just as Suki did, and I can count on you to do your job. Unlike Suki, who was afraid of squeaky dog toys, you love them and will do anything to get one. You are not scared of the crows in the pecan tree, or the tractor and wagon standing on the road, but I know you hate loud music and being on stage with me, which makes you shake and pant and very unhappy. You never sleep in cars like Suki did, but remain wide awake in cars and taxis, sitting at attention with me and occasionally resting your head on my knee just as Suki used to do. And just like Suki, you love to have an endless line of school children or even kindergartners waiting and filing past, petting you as they go, and you thump your tail loudly on the floor with happiness when they stroke your soft fur.
I think I know you well already, Dinka, and you know me. That same aloofness that I sensed when we first met still exists, but I know that behind that is a deep loyalty and attachment to me. You can be content just sitting next to me, enjoying my hand resting on your back or ruffling the fur between your ears.
So it's a sad time of year for me, Dinka, but I'm glad we are together, setting off on a new adventure. And when we get back I will continue to take care of you, to keep you safe, and occasionally feel like I am walking with two white dogs whom I love.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Like a Dream Come True
Ever since Tali came to visit us here in Ben Ami and wondered what I can do in real traffic and city streets, I have wanted to show her. And yesterday I got to do just that! Bracha did not tell me that we were going to visit Tali. She left it for a surprise after we finished our training session at Beit Oved where we practiced Bracha calling me and my coming back promptly. But when we got to the train station in Tel Aviv there was Tali waiting for us! We got into her car and when we got out I was at the house where I grew up as a puppy! I could hardly believe it! I ran for the gate and even passed by to see if my neighbor's dog Yosef was at home, but we ran up the stairs to Tali's house. I was a bit miffed because now Mishmish, Tali's dog, seems to own the place, and I ran off with one of her bones and she barked at me. But my irritation at having another dog in what was once MY house was quickly forgotten because soon Bracha put me in harness and we started down the street.
Now, you have to understand that when I was here last over a year ago I was truly a rambunctious rascal. I played with the cats, chewed Tali's shoes, stole children's shoes in the park, ran away with their balls, and generally behaved like a mischievous puppy. And now I am, as you know, a serious, hard-working guide dog who is responsible for getting Bracha safely from one place to another. Tali kept wondering how I would deal with the motorcycles parked on the sidewalk, protruding bushes, street corners, and even a sandpile that we had to walk around. I handled it all like the pro that I am. Soon we ended up in the park, and there were all my friends waiting for me! Tali had called them all out to come meet Bracha and me! Everyone remarked on how much bigger I am and marveled at how I look in my harness. Everyone was taking pictures and all I could do was stand there and wag my tail and feel overjoyed at being in the place where I grew up. It was one of the happiest days I have ever had, and I know that Bracha was happy, too, and proud of me.
Now, you have to understand that when I was here last over a year ago I was truly a rambunctious rascal. I played with the cats, chewed Tali's shoes, stole children's shoes in the park, ran away with their balls, and generally behaved like a mischievous puppy. And now I am, as you know, a serious, hard-working guide dog who is responsible for getting Bracha safely from one place to another. Tali kept wondering how I would deal with the motorcycles parked on the sidewalk, protruding bushes, street corners, and even a sandpile that we had to walk around. I handled it all like the pro that I am. Soon we ended up in the park, and there were all my friends waiting for me! Tali had called them all out to come meet Bracha and me! Everyone remarked on how much bigger I am and marveled at how I look in my harness. Everyone was taking pictures and all I could do was stand there and wag my tail and feel overjoyed at being in the place where I grew up. It was one of the happiest days I have ever had, and I know that Bracha was happy, too, and proud of me.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Refresher Training
There was a lot of talk on the phone last week Rafi, Natanel, Ami, and Yael all know that I have been up to mischief. I ran away from Bracha in the neighbor's yard with one of their new puppy's toys, and Bracha has not let me off leash since then. Rafi said, "A dog who does not come back must not run free." So here I am, shut up in the house or out on the patio tied up. I guess I deserve it. So now Bracha takes me out into the yard on the long leash or a cable. She calls me and I come. And this week we are going to Beit Oved to work on my coming when I am called together with one of the teachers. I know this is important. I remember when I was a puppy everyone used to love it when they chased me around with toys, but I guess this is not acceptable any more.
But it's not all bad. I know that Bracha still loves me very much, and we are still going to the United States next month, and we are going to see Tali, my puppy walker this week! I will get to play with Mishmish and meet all of Tali's friends, and she will see just how nicely I work in real traffic! I know I can be good. I just know I can.
But it's not all bad. I know that Bracha still loves me very much, and we are still going to the United States next month, and we are going to see Tali, my puppy walker this week! I will get to play with Mishmish and meet all of Tali's friends, and she will see just how nicely I work in real traffic! I know I can be good. I just know I can.
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